1. OLD TESTAMENT A. PENTATEUCH (5) GENESIS - First book of Moses, History of Man from the beginning EXODUS - Second book of Moses, Deliverance of Israel from captivity LEVITICUS - Third book of Moses, Book of the law NUMBERS - Fourth book of Moses, Story of wandering in the wilderness DEUTERONOMY - Fifth book of Moses, 2nd recital of law before promise land B. HISTORICAL BOOKS (12) JOSHUA - Took over as judge of Israel after Moses JUDGES - 6 Judges, men and women, who lead the children of Israel until they asked God for a king RUTH - (Author possibly Samuel),- In the family line to Jesus I & II SAMUEL - 1st and 2nd book of the Kings (Anoints the first two Kings of Israel) I & II KINGS - 3rd and 4th Book of the Kings, History of the Kingdom of Israel (Elijah and Elisha appear) I & II CHRONICLES - Record of David, Solomon, and the kings of Judah after the division of Israel up to the time of captivity EZRA - Record of the return of the Jews from captivity, and the rebuilding of the temple NEHEMIAH - Account of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, and the re-establishment of the sacred ordinances ESTER - Story of Queen Esther's deliverance of the Jews from the plot of Haman C. POETICAL (5) JOB - The story of how one man overcome affliction despite the attack led by Satan against him PSALMS - Collection of 150 spiritual songs, poems, and prayers used through the centuries by the church in its devotion PROVERBS - (Author: King Solomon) Collection of moral and religious guidance and a discussion on wisdom ECCLESIASTICS [or the Preacher] (Author: Solomon) A reflection on the vanity of life by Solomon SONG OF SOLOMON - (Author: Solomon) A religious poem symbolizing the mutual love of Christ and the church D. PROPHETICAL BOOKS. MAJOR PROPHETS (5) ISAIAH - (Prophet of Redemption) Announces woes on sinful nation JEREMIAH - (Weeping Prophet) THEME: Backsliding, bondage, restoration of Jews, Lived from time of Josiah to the Captivity LAMENTATION OF JEREMIAH - Series of wailing for the affliction of Israel EZEKIEL - A book showing the sad condition of God's people and the pathway to restoration DANIEL - Personal biography of Daniel, lived during captivity, also a vision of the end times E. MINOR PROPHETS (12) HOSEA - Lived with Isaiah and Micah, Shows the spiritual adultery of Israel JOEL - Prophet to Judah, National repentance and it's blessing AMOS - The herdsman prophet, a reformer denouncing selfishness and sin OBADIAH - The doom of Edom and final deliverance of Israel JONAH - "Reluctant Missionary", went to Ninevh, shows the blessing of obedience MICAH - Shows a dark picture of the moral condition of Israel and Judah NAHUM - The destruction of Ninevh HABAKKUK - THEME: How can a just God allow a wicked nation to oppress Israel ZEPHANIAH - A somber book filled with threatening, but ends in a vision of the future glory of Israel HAGGAI - A colleague of Zechariah. Reproves the people for slackness in building the second temple, promises return of God's glory upon completion ZECHARIAH - Contemporary of Zechariah. Helps arouse the Jews to rebuild the temple MALACHI - Gives a graphic picture of the closing period of Old Testament History. Shows necessity of reforms before the coming Messiah 2. NEW TESTAMENT A. BIOGRAPHICAL (4) ST MATTHEW - Apostle writer, Purple, Jesus, King of Kings, Tax Collector, Written to Jews showing the kingly Messiah of Jewish Prophecy (Looks at money in areas) ST MARK - Apostle writer, Scarlet, Servant, Brief record of Jesus' Life (Emphasis on the supernatural power of Christ over nature, disease, and demons ST LUKE - Apostle writer, White, Son of Man, Beloved Physician, the most complete biography of Jesus, portrays Christ as the Son of Man, compassion on the poor, sinful ST JOHN - Apostle writer, Blue, Heavenly, Beloved Apostle, writes about Love, unveils Jesus Christ as the Son of God, reveal his deeper teachings B. HISTORICAL (1) ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (Author: St Luke) - A sequel to the Gospel of Luke, THEME: the origin and growth of the early church, from the ascension of Christ to the imprisonment of Paul at Rome C. THE PAULINE EPISTLES (14) ROMANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) Addressed to the Roman Christians, shows a need for salvation and spiritual, social and civic duties I CORINTHIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) Addressed to the Corinthian church, Cleansing of the Church from various evils and doctrinal instruction II CORINTHIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Corinthian Church, characteristics of an apostolic ministry and shows Paul's apostleship GALATIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Addressed to the Galatian Church, Doctrine of Justification by Faith, warnings against false teachers and the return to Judaism EPHESIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Addressed to the Church at Ephesus, Glorious plan of Salvation, All barriers between Jews and Gentiles are broken down PHILIPPIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Addressed to the Philippian Church, reveals Paul's intense devotion to Christ, steadfast doctrine, and joy in prison COLOSSIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Addressed to the Colosse Church, Glory of Christ as the head of the Church, Abandon worldly philosophy and sin I THESSALONIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Addressed to Thessalonica Church, apostolic commendation, reminiscences, counsels. Future coming of Christ II THESSALONIANS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Enlightens church concerning the doctrine of Christ's second coming and warning against unrest and social disorders I TIMOTHY (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Counsels to a young pastor (conduct and work) II TIMOTHY (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Written shortly before Paul's death, giving instruction TITUS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - An apostolic letter giving counsels and exhortations to a trusted friend PHILEMON (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - A private letter written to Philemon, beseeching hi to receive and forgive Onesimus, a runaway slave HEBREWS (EPISTLE OF PAUL) - Blessing of the new dispensation, compared with those of the Old Testament, Shows Christ's glory D. GENERAL EPISTLES (6) JAMES - Apostle, the Lord's brother, Addressed to Jewish converts, Practical religion by good works contrasted by Faith I PETER - Apostle, Letter of encouragement to saints scattered throughout Asia Minor, privilege of believers following the example of Christ II PETER - Apostle, Warning against false teachers and scoffers I JOHN - Apostle, Deep spiritual message to believers in the church, stress upon believer's privilege of spiritual knowledge and duty of love II JOHN - Apostle, Message on worldly error, warning against false teachers III JOHN - Apostle, Letter of commendation written to Gaius JUDE - (Author: the brother of James), Historical examples of apostasy and divine judgement on sinners, warning against immoral teachers E. PROPHETICAL (1) REVELATIONS - Apostle, Author: John, Visions concerning the end of time, the battle between Jesus and Satan, Jesus' victory, and Heaven