The 'Prophet X' series unfolds a riveting tale of the Davidson family, as they embark on a remarkable journey from a casual acquaintance with the God to unwavering belief and faith. Their story unfolds across diverse continents, navigating the relentless pursuit of nefarious people. John Davidson, an unassuming individual, suddenly finds himself in possession of a coveted computer program. His unparalleled expertise emerges as a formidable asset in navigating perilous predicaments. The repercussions of their escapades extend beyond his family, resonating with all who know them. While many Christians undertake a similar journey, few do so amid such treacherous and exhilarating circumstances.
This book series is presented in a novelistic style, promising to captivate and enchant readers for many hours. The author hopes the series provides you with as much delight in reading as he derived from crafting it. Devoid of any political or societal agendas, these novels do not contain any profanity, drug use, sexual content, or graphic violence. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prophet X (book #1) In this first narrative, we learn who John Davidson is, how his extraordinary journey begins, and how his life is forever changed. Every man secretly wonders if they could do what is required in an extreme circumstance. For John Davidson, this day has come. He had not chosen the fight, it chose him. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, he discovers a timeless truth that resonates with every soul.
New Beginnings (book #2) | In this second book of the Prophet X series, 'New Beginnings,' John Davidson and his family try to rebuild their lives on the tranquil shores of the Gulf coast. But as shadows of the past and present struggles collide new challenges arise. John is forced to realize that life's twists and turns have forever altered him. Eventually, the pull of home beckons them back to Arkansas. But their new home comes with unforeseen obstacles that could spell disaster.
Legacy (book #3) | In this third book of the Prophet X series, 'Legacy,' John Davidson's son, Daniel, finds himself at the heart of a government-funded experimental program. Tasked with unlocking latent physical abilities, his participation leads him down a path of transformation and danger. He feels drawn to the only other participantct to complete the training. The more assignments he has with SEALs teams, the more his reputation grows. A foreign crime syndicate attempts to use his sister to coerce him into working for them. Near death Daniel realizes he must make a choice. Meanwhile John Davidson is forced to match wits with the government's new A.I. computer system. John will have to face the consequences of that battle.
Los Tres Dulce Besos (book #4) | (The Three Sweet Kisses) In the highly anticipated fourth installment of the ProphetX series, 'Los Tres Dulce Besos,' the extraordinary power of faith and divine intervention takes center stage as the Davidson family faces their most formidable challenges yet. A mastermind orchestrates the perfect heist, one that threatens to bring the state capital city to its knees. The Davidson women, known affectionately as 'The Three Sweet Kisses', are thrust into the heart of danger. Facing off against nefarious men and battling the unforgiving forces of Mother Nature, they must rely on strength, faith, and determination to ensure their survival. Prepare to be enthralled by the epic saga of courage, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of love in "Los Tres Dulce Besos," where the bonds of family and the triumph of the human spirit shine brightest in the darkest of times.
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